

               King Heiro of Syracuse had a collection of crowns of all shapes and designs. He had a crown for every occasion. Once he felt keen desire to have a new crown made of 24 carat gold.

              Therefore he called leading goldsmith of the land and asked him to made a crown of 24 carat gold. The goldsmith agreed. After 30 days goldsmith came with crown and handed it over to the king. King wanted to check the purity of crown before goldsmith get paid for his work. King asked goldsmith to come after ten days and get paid for his work.

              King called Archimedes, the well-known scientist and asked him to check the purity of gold. Archimedes replied "there is no way to check the purity. Once the gold has been turned into crown or any other ornaments." King asked Archimedes to find a way and he was sure that Archimedes could do it. Archimedes assured king that he will try his best but can't give guarantee of his success. He took the crown along. He tried to judge the purity of gold crown with it's shine but he failed. He knew there must be a way. He thought and he thought all day long and seeking an answer till his maid inform him that it was time for his bath.

          He got out of his clothes and gently got into the tub of water. The moment his body got submerged, Some water in the tub overflowed. His eyebrows arched. Suddenly he knew how to test the purity of the crown. His face lit up with joy. He jumped out of the tub and ran through out of his house without wearing clothes, shouting "Eureka!" (I have found out). Archimedes close friend noticed him and brought him house. Archimedes explained his friend how he found out the way to measure the purity of gold.

             Next day Archimedes went to royal court and said goldsmith has cheated king and he also can prove his words. He took 24 caret gold, gold crown, a big container full of water. He first put gold crown in the container full of water and collected the displaced water in a big bowl. Then he put 24 caret gold in the container full of water and again collected the displaced water in another bowl. Displaced water due to gold crown was more than that of 24 caret gold.

                Archimedes said, "volume never change for the same object having equal mass. Here the amount of water displaced from the container is equal to the volume of that object that inserted in the container. Here the displaced water collected in both the bowl is different hence I conclude that goldsmith has mixed other metal along with gold in the crown."
King praised Archimedes and rewarded  him for his work and punished the goldsmith.

Now a days this Archimedes method is use to measure the density of any object.


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