

                                                                   Eureka!!                King Heiro of Syracuse had a collection of crowns of all shapes and designs. He had a crown for every occasion. Once he felt keen desire to have a new crown made of 24 carat gold.               Therefore he called leading goldsmith of the land and asked him to made a crown of 24 carat gold. The goldsmith agreed. After 30 days goldsmith came with crown and handed it over to the king. King wanted to check the purity of crown before goldsmith get paid for his work. King asked goldsmith to come after ten days and get paid for his work.                King called Archimedes, the well-known scientist and asked him to check the purity of gold. Archimedes replied "there is no way to check the purity. Once the gold has been turned into crown or any other ornaments." King asked Archimedes to find a way and he was sure that Archimedes could do it. Archimedes assured king that he will try his best

Newton's Mousemill

    It was fine sunny day. Eight year old Issac Newton desired to go out and have fun watching the windmill turning round and round, waving it's giant arms.  Newton watched the windmill. Then he wondered, 'can the mill work if there is no wind around?'   He sat down on a huge stone. He buried his chin in the palms of his hands. He searched for the answer to the question. He was lost in thought.  Many ideas came to him. He tested each one. Then he picked the one he felt would work. He rushed to his house so he could try out his idea.  He sat down to make a mini windmill. He was so engrossed in the work that he eat only two slice of cake in his lunch.  It was almost the hour of sunset when he finished the job. All that he now needed was a mouse. That was not a problem. There were enough mice all around the house.  Issac Newton set a rattrap near the kitchen. Early next morning Newton find a fat mouse inside the cage. "Ah! You look quite healthy. Why don't you work fo